Become A Member

Join the leading international association for environmental professions that is also a strong local resource.

Midwest Section A&WMA membership benefits provides:

1 Programs and activities designed and delivered by local environmental professionals for environmental professionals
2 Access to a worldwide network of more than 5,000 individuals from industry, government, and the consulting, research, academic, and legal communities who engage in the exchange of technical and managerial information
3 Participation in Section meetings and annual conferences

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Member Benefits Include:

  1. Discounted registration fees for Technical meetings, Workshops, Conferences, Webinars, and Resources.
  2. Opportunities for Professional Training and Development.
  3. Full access to the online version of both the EMand the Journal of the A&WMA.
  4. Access to Career Opportunities and a searchable, Online Membership Directory.
  5. Opportunity to win $$$ Scholarship Money for yourself or family member.

Application Links
Download printable application
Apply for Membership Online

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Membership Categories:

Individual Membership
$195 USD
Individual membership is available to environmental professionals interested in expanding their professional knowledge and networks, who share the mission and objectives of the Association.

Young Professional Membership
$98 USD
Any person, age 35 or under, working in or with the environmental industry, who is interested in accomplishing the mission and objectives of the Association. This membership is valid for the first five consecutive years of A&WMA membership in this category.

Emeritus Membership
$98 USD
Current members can upgrade to this level if the are 65 years of age or older and have at least 15 years of A&WMA membership. Please contact Customer Service at 412-904-6018 if you qualify.

Student Membership
Full-time undergraduate or graduate students are eligible for discounted membership in A&WMA while enrolled.
$35 USD Be sure to learn about our Graduation Gift to student members!

Organizational Membership
Organizational Membership is a perfect solution for companies and organizations with more than 6 environmental professionals who want to reduce membership costs and increase participation in A&WMA.

Organizational Membership (up to 10 members)
$595/company + $98/employee USD

Organizational Membership (more than 10 members)
$1,495/agency + $98/employee USD

Organizational Government Membership
$470/agency + $98/employee USD

For questions or more information on the advantages of becoming an A&WMA member, please contact us at, or contact an A&WMA National Member Services Representative at

Call (412) 232-3444 or (800) 270-3444.