Webinar: How to Avoid LDAR Compliance Pitfalls

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Date(s) - 11/14/2019
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
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Harcros Chemicals Inc.


A&WMA Midwest Section will be hosting this A&WMA national webinar.  By attending this, you don’t need to pay the $99 member or $149 nonmember price.

Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) has more opportunities for non-compliance than any other environmental area.  This webinar will offer attendees the opportunity to learn about the most common and unusual compliance pitfalls in this area.  Highly experienced presenters who have worked in every phase of LDAR from monitoring technician to site supervisor to area manager to corporate quality assurance will identify 6 danger zone areas and highlight both the problems and solutions to work around them.

Presenters will lead an interactive discussion on working with fugitive emissions before M21 and NSPSVV and reveal the secret to why certain parts of Method 21 were written the way they were.

Don’t let your LDAR program go down the drain. Take advantage of this webinar opportunity to learn how to best run an LDAR program, have some fun, and avoid future compliance pitfalls.

More information from A&WMA, including the presenters.

Please arrive at 11:45 am to get through security.  Lunch will be provided.





Bookings are closed for this event.